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Contact us for a Training Solution to meet your Agency needs.

All programs are supported by our GSA Schedule (GS-00F-046DA).




Welcome to The Grant Group

The Grant Group is a Management Development Corporation, a premier provider of human resources training for all levels of management, employee, and union-related training throughout the Federal Government. We specialize in designing and delivering on-site training to managers, supervisors, human resources management specialists, EEO program managers, employees at all levels, and union partners.

Custom Training

The Grant Group’s qualified staff will provide “state of the art” training to the leaders’ and/or employees you designate.  We will custom design our programs to meet specific agency needs.  This may include the design of our program materials to incorporate specific agency policy or directives. 

The Grant Group specializes in training for managers, supervisors, joint labor-management, and all employees.  We design and develop innovative training programs and products on subjects tailored to our client’s specific needs.  The Grant Group will work with your agency in developing a Statement of Work that addresses a complete training solution that is value-added, and provides for a significant return on your investment.


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