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An Administrative Investigation Board (AIB) is a methodical process whereby the true facts about a situation or event are ascertained.  Individuals assigned to act as members on an AIB normally have minimal investigative experience.  This 1½-day training will provide the tools to guide selected AIB members in the investigative process and will be presented in two parts.  Part I will familiarize the Board member with the components of the process and educate the Board member in the skills necessary to achieve the Board’s goals.  It will cover the planning, preparation, fact gathering, analysis, and report writing.  Also covered will be rights to representation, degrees of proof, and management’s right to compel witness testimony.  Supporting this program will be a review of the Witness Interview process, recording and transcribing testimony, witness order, and developing the interviewer’s skills.  Part II will focus on fact finding by considering the relevancy, quality and quantity of the evidence by appropriately considering and assigning weight to evidence, making effective credibility determinations, reconciling conflicting evidence and facts, and establishing facts based on a preponderance of the evidence.  Concluding Part II will be coverage on preparing the Report of Investigation. Traditionally this consists of the authorizing letter, the panel’s purpose, and identification of data, scope of the investigation, summary, findings, exhibits, conclusions, and recommendations.

Recommended Audience: AIB Members, those identified as future Board Members, HR Professionals, Executives and Legal Counsel


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